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Corazon de Pina | East Fork Cultivars

Sold By : Diem

Total Terpenes: 2.92%. Top Terpenes: B-Myrcene 0.58%, a- pinene 0.62%, B- Carphyllene 0.23% The result of a noteworthy breeding collaboration between our favorite phenotype of Pineapple Tsunami (a Type II cultivar: some THC, a lot of CBD, terpene rich) with Yerba Buena’s Cultivation Classic award-winning Corazon (a Type III cultivar: very little THC, a lot of CBD, terpene rich). Yerba Buena applied the Pineapple Tsunami pollen to their Corazon, produced seed, then in the 2018 sungrown season we grew out 4 of those seeds in our Northern Canopy on the East Fork Ranch. And El Corazon de Piña was born. Corazon de Piña (the heart of the pineapple): A great cultivar for creativity and passion, this Yerba Buena x East Fork creation is slightly euphoric and has a focusing effect. The flower carries subtle notes of, you guessed it, pineapple in addition to pepper.

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